'Behaviour is excellent, particularly in the classroom. Pupils set themselves very high standards for behaviour. In lessons, they invariably behave impeccably of their own volition. Lunchtimes are lively, good-natured times. School councillors are quick to notice noisy or inappropriate behaviour and give useful and thoughtful suggestions on lunchtime improvements, such as handing out colouring books.'
Ofsted’s Outstanding judgement 2011
Ask Trafalgar Infant children about behaviour and they will tell you about our Golden Rules.
- The Golden Rules and our Safety in School rules = our Positive relationships and Behaviour Policy
- Golden Tickets (Reception, Y1 and Y2) and certificates (Y1 and Y2) are awarded for following the Golden Rules
- Golden Children are those who are chosen each week to receive tickets and/or certificates
‘Stop it I don't like it’ is the sign for your child to use when they have to deal with anyone who is not following the Golden Rules as well as telling a grown up
For grown ups – we have a policy and leaflet for parents both of which can be found on our Policies page.