Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA has a valuable role in the life of Trafalgar Schools. All parents are automatically members of the PTA whilst their children attend Trafalgar Infant School and are welcome to attend any meetings.  The PTA meets in the evening at school to give working parents an opportunity to become involved and meet other parents. These meetings, which are friendly and informal, give parents the opportunity to find out more about what is going on in school, share ideas and issues.





Activities have included cake sales, car boot sales, Christmas Craft Fair, quiz nights, beer tasting, picnics and the main fundraising event of the year, the Summer Fair.

Money raised by the PTA provides additional resources for the school. The PTA have helped with home/school reading scheme books, home/school Maths games, our aquarium and have supported our “special” weeks e.g. Arts week, Inclusion week, Sustainability week  by paying for artists, theatre groups, musicians and dance groups to visit the school.


Class Representatives

Activities have included cake sales, car boot sales, Christmas Craft Fair, quiz nights, beer tasting, picnics and the main fundraising event of the year, the Summer Fair.

Money raised by the PTA provides additional resources for the school. The PTA have helped with home/school reading scheme books, home/school Maths games, our aquarium and have supported our “special” weeks e.g. Arts week, Inclusion week, Sustainability week  by paying for artists, theatre groups, musicians and dance groups to visit the school.


Activities are also organised for the children by the PTA including a film show, magic show, discos and a Christmas Bazaar.

For the Christmas Bazaar parents donate a variety of small gifts which are then prepared for sale by volunteer parents.  Children then buy them at the Bazaar for a nominal sum, take them back to class for wrapping and then take them home to give to their families for Christmas.  Volunteers are needed at each stage of this event which is great fun for everyone.

Helping in School

The school actively encourages parents/carers to become involved in the school's activities as each and every parent/carer has a unique talent which can benefit the school. Help in school is always appreciated for a variety of activities including, hearing children read, helping in a classroom, gardening, cooking, helping with the school library or joining with the working party during the day which meets to prepare for PTA events and babies and toddlers are welcome.  There are facilities for a crèche if parents want to organise a rota for running this.  Parents/carers can volunteer to help for just an hour a week or on a rota of parents helping once every two or three weeks which can suit working parents when they may have a day’s annual leave.