Our vision and aims statement has been created following liaison with staff, governors, parents and children.
We believe…
- in delivering an ambitious, broad, well-planned curriculum designed to meet the needs and interests of all the children in our school community.
- in having high expectations of children’s attitude towards their learning and their behaviour.
- in developing children with healthy minds and bodies.
- in ensuring that children are well-prepared for the next stage of their education.
We inspire…
- with staff who are well trained to deliver curriculum subject knowledge clearly with engagement.
- with subject content enriched with trips, visits and experiences.
with varied opportunities to discover and develop interests and talents.
We achieve…
- when children know more and remember more as they move through the Federation.
- when children reach expected levels of attainment at the end of Foundation Stage, Y1 Phonics, KS1 and KS2 and are therefore ready for the next steps in their education.
- when children make progress across each stage of their learning.
- when children have enjoyed, experiences and achieved in a range of activities.