We are pleased that you are considering a place at our school for your child.

You can find out more about our Admissions arrangements by visiting Achieving for Children's website for primary admissions.


Reception Admissions

The statutory age for starting school is the term after your child’s 5th birthday.

At Trafalgar Infant School all our children have the opportunity to start full time (9.05 – 3.05) from the beginning of the academic year in which they become 5 years old.

We are a three form entry school which means that we have three classes of up to 30 children in each of the three year groups.

On entry to Reception, children are mixed across all three classes (Ruby, Silver and Gold) to ensure a balance of numbers, ages (Autumn, Spring and Summer birthdays) and gender.

Reception admissions are organised and allocated by Richmond Local Education Authority. The on-line application process is available from Achieving for Children's School Admissions page via the link above from September in the academic year before your child is due to start in Reception. Dates for when the application process closes and when parents are informed of the outcome of their application are also published. If you do not live within the borough you need to apply for a place through your own council and you can include Richmond schools in your application.

The AfC School Admissions page provides detailed information on the criteria used in the allocation process.

In-Year Admissions

The Local Authority keeps a record of any spare places we may have in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and allocates these places according. More information can be found on Achieving for Children's School Admissions page in the changing schools in-year section

Appealing a Decision

The process is outlined on the School Admissions page under the heading Appealing school place allocation. The page contains links to follow which will provide you with all the necessary guidance information including current deadline dates.