We recognise that all our children are individuals and therefore different. They have different needs and different contributions to make to the life of our school.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SendCo) advises on good practice in line with latest Government and local guidance and any changes are reflected in our Inclusion Policy, our TSF SEND Information Report and our Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan all of which can be found on our Policies page in the section entitled 'Individual Needs'. Our Accessibility Plan is reviewed each term by our Governing Body. This enables us to consider any additional actions to increase access to the school and the curriculum by children with disabilities. Further information can also be found in our equality statement below.

Pupil Premium

Our Pupil Premium Strategy outlines how we support families who are eligible for the Government’s Pupil Premium Grant. Documents supporting these initiatives can be found on our Policies page in the Pupil Premium section.


At Trafalgar Infant School we believe in equality of opportunity We will follow the existing equality legislation (The Equality Act 2010) that now extends protection from discrimination in nine areas: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation. We will eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations for children, staff, mothers, fathers, carers, and all others who use the school facilities. Please see our Equalities Policy which is available from our Policies page for more information.

We will meet diverse needs and advance equality by:

  • Having a whole-school Inclusion policy and following it in practice.
  • Having an Accessibility Plan – aimed at reducing barriers to achievement by making reasonable adjustments for children and adults who are disabled and/or have special educational needs; improving the physical environment to enable disabled children/all other users of the school to take advantage of education, facilities and services provided; improving the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils, staff, mothers, fathers and carers.
  • Having a Positive Behaviour Policy inc. Anti-Bullying and following it in practice
  • Securing and maintaining outstanding teaching, learning and assessment for all children.
  • Closing the gap in achievement between different groups and national standards
  • Building a cohesive school community where children and adults can thrive.

 Our Inclusion Charter

All children and young people are unique

We promise:

We will get to know you

We will respect you

We will listen to you

We will help you to be healthy and happy

We will include you

Everyone learns in different ways

We promise:

We will teacher you in a way that suits you

We will give you the support you need

We will give you information you understand

We will make learning interesting and exciting

We will help you do more things independently

We will help you reach for your goals

If you are unhappy about something, please tell us so we can make things better