The headteacher is totally committed to the school providing the best for all its pupils. Her infectious ambition and high expectations are shared by pupils, staff, parents and carers alike. One parent commented, 'The headteacher is ‘hands on’, approachable and a strong but friendly leader.'
Ofsted’s Outstanding judgement 2011
Note to Parents: Dear Parents/Carers, we are having an OFSTED Inspection on Tues 5th & Wed 6th December. Please look out for the information email that was sent today (Monday). Please complete the Parent Survey to share your opinions about our school via the link that was included in the Letter to Parents from Ofsted. There is a deadline of Tues 11am for this.
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The standard of attainment of all groups of pupils are at least in line with national averages for all pupils, with many above average and this has been seen year on year. Download our latest school results together with latest available National results.